Monday 5 May 2008

References to Zack #002

Setting - Elmyra's House (Sector 5 slums)

Elmyra lives in Sector 5 slums. In order to get to Sector 7, you need to pass through Sector 6 slums. On the way to Sector 7 slums, Cloud and Aeris visit Aeris' (adoptive) mothers home. Aeris' mother is called Elmyra (pronounced ELL-MY-RAH).

Elmyra (Aeris’ Mum) Says to Aeris "You mean you were followed again?". Aeris clearly got followed alot, presumably by the Turks. Elmyra knows that Aeris was dating Zack. When you talk to her when you first arrive, the following conversation takes place:

That glow in your eyes... you're from SOLDIER, right?

Yeah. Rather I used to be...

......I don't know how to say this, but...
Would you please leave here, tonight? Without telling Aeris.
SOLDIER... the last thing Aeris needs is to get her feelings hurt again...

Elmyra is clearly referencing Aeris's relationship with Zack. Cloud is asleep in Elmyra's house when he  has visions and dreams of his past. (Cloud's mother?) Is shown saying he should get a girlfriend and settle down. Cloud replies saying he is "not interested". Cloud tries to leave in the middle of the night but Aeris is waiting for Cloud at the edge of Sector 5 slums and continues on with him.

References to Zack #001

Sector 5 Slums

Just after Cloud meets Aeris in the church, Aeris comments on Cloud's eye. She says they have a glow to them and that she guessed he was in SOLDIER. Cloud asks how she knows he was in SOLDIER. Aeris says "It Doesn’t matter". This is the earliest reference to Zack. Aries knows Cloud has been infused with mako energy because Zack had been, too.

Remake: In the FFVII remake trailer, the park can be seen clearly and a girl slides down the same slide that Cloud and Aeris sat on.

Welcome To FFVII Fanboy

What is the 'Zack Project'?

Crisis Core was recently released for the Sony PSP and as far as Square-Enix are concerned, the story has now been told in its entirety. That does not mean to say there wont be any more FFVII games in future (we can hope!). When I first completed FFVII back in 1997, I didn’t fully understand the plot due to its sheer scale. Even now, 11 years later, it's not much easier! The plot is deep and intricate and if it were a novel, it would be a literary masterpiece. 

One character inparticular is integral to the story, but you can play FFVII without realising this. That character is Zack. Zack is mentioned several times in FFVII but you never really comprehend the significance of this mysterious character. I am going to play through Final Fantasy VII for what seems like the billionth time and I am going to write down and note any references I find that relate to Zack. I will also take screenshots for illustration for fans of the original and for anyone else who cares to follow the project.

Why Are You Doing This?

I’m glad you ask. The reason is simply for my own understanding of the game, and for anyone else who is curious to know what they might have overlooked. So let the journey begin! I am going to play FFVII from beginning to end in order to capture every reference to Zack that I can find in the game. Thankyou for reading. Bookmark this page. The journey starts here.