Thursday 5 May 2016

References to Zack #007

Location – Mideel / Nibelheim (SPOILERS below)

Cloud is exposed to mako and ends up in a wheelchair; Tifa helps Cloud to remember who he really is. Cloud and co visit Nibelheim, although something strange is going on because Nibelheim was supposed to have been burned down by Sephiroth, right?. Well, it was burned down by Sephiroth, 5 years before the game starts. However, Cloud believed that it was himself and Sephiroth that were there at the time.

Barret sees Cloud's vision and now knows that he's not looking at Cloud, he's actually seeing Zack.

Cloud now finally accepts and admits that it wasn't him there 5 years ago. He's ready to tell the truth.

Cloud sounds almost ashamed when he says that "It's probably not me that will come out of the Shinra mansion". The word "probably" shows that Cloud is still clinging onto a tiny bit of hope that it is him and he wont be made to look like a liar in front of his friends.

In quite possibly the biggest shock to me, was that Tifa actually knew all along!!! And says to Cloud that he wasn't here 5 years ago.

Tifa. How could you hide it?? Well, she said she believed something terrible might happen. Ok, fair enough Tifa. But what a plot twist!

Cloud finally accepts and admits the truth out loud: "I wasn't in Nibelheim five years ago."

References to Zack #006

Location – The Forgotten Capital

It's ironic that the next location that references Zack is called the "Forgotten Capital" because it's here that Cloud begins to realise that he has been living a lie. Cloud admits to Barret and Tifa that's there's something inside of him that isn't really him. We know this is Zack, but Cloud is really searching within himself to find out exactly who he really is. 

The game gets REALLY interesting after this. So stay tuned for another reference in the next post as we continue documenting every time Zack is mentioned in the game.