Monday 5 May 2008

References to Zack #002

Setting - Elmyra's House (Sector 5 slums)

Elmyra lives in Sector 5 slums. In order to get to Sector 7, you need to pass through Sector 6 slums. On the way to Sector 7 slums, Cloud and Aeris visit Aeris' (adoptive) mothers home. Aeris' mother is called Elmyra (pronounced ELL-MY-RAH).

Elmyra (Aeris’ Mum) Says to Aeris "You mean you were followed again?". Aeris clearly got followed alot, presumably by the Turks. Elmyra knows that Aeris was dating Zack. When you talk to her when you first arrive, the following conversation takes place:

That glow in your eyes... you're from SOLDIER, right?

Yeah. Rather I used to be...

......I don't know how to say this, but...
Would you please leave here, tonight? Without telling Aeris.
SOLDIER... the last thing Aeris needs is to get her feelings hurt again...

Elmyra is clearly referencing Aeris's relationship with Zack. Cloud is asleep in Elmyra's house when he  has visions and dreams of his past. (Cloud's mother?) Is shown saying he should get a girlfriend and settle down. Cloud replies saying he is "not interested". Cloud tries to leave in the middle of the night but Aeris is waiting for Cloud at the edge of Sector 5 slums and continues on with him.

1 comment:

Rob's TTM Graphs said...

hey whats up man ! i also love ff7 :)