Sunday 27 December 2015

References to Zack #003

Setting – Sector 6 Slums

First real post of 2015! 7 years after the blog was created! 

When Aeris sits down with Cloud, she asks what rank he was in SOLDIER. Cloud says ‘first class’.
“Like him...”, Aeris replies (refering to Zack but without mentioning his name).

“The same as who?”, Cloud asks. 

“My First boyfriend”, Aeris answers.

The conversation continues. 

“you were serious?” – Cloud
“No but i liked him for a while” –Aeris
“ I probably knew him, what was his name” – Cloud
“It really doesn’t matter” – Aeris
This is interrupted by a Chocobo towing a cart parading through the slums.

This is clearly a reference to Zack. They’re talking about him in the past tense which implies he is already dead by this point. But we do know that Zack and Aeris were officially dating and Aeris confirms that Zack was indeed, her first boyfriend.

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