Thursday 31 December 2015

References to Zack #005

Location – Gongaga

Around about 50% of the way through disk 1, you'll stumble across Gongaga. Gongaga is situated south of the Golden Saucer. You'd expect Gongaga to be much larger considering the history it has within the story of Final Fantasy 7. Gongaga's location on the world map (see red crosshair in the south west corner of the map):

Whilst in Gongaga,  you can talk to Zack's parents. Zack's mother asks the following question:

It quickly becomes apparent that Zack's parents don't know his fate. At this point, neither do we (unless you're well read on the subject, or played Crisis Core). Remember that Crisis Core wasn't made when the original FFVII was out. So this scene has always stuck in my head. As if we needed further confirmation about who the lady is talking about, she confirms she is indeed talking about Zack:

I've been unable to find out the name of Zack's parents. I don't believe it tells us in the game. Searching online hasn't brought up any results either. But Zack's mother continues: it has "been close to 10 years since Zack left for the city". says that "At the age of thirteen Zack left Gongaga without telling his parents, and joined the Shinra's military forces." but this appears to be incorrect. 

Final Fantasy VII reveals that Zack DID tell his parents he "didn't want to live in the country" (see below)

Zack's father says that Zack left saying he wanted to join SOLDIER. So his parents were in fact, completely aware that Zack was leaving to join SOLDIER. 

Things get a bit awkward when Zack's father asks Aeris whether she was the girlfriend that Zack had told them about in a letter. Aeris runs out of the house following this scene.

If you return to Gongaga later in the game, the parent's say the exact same thing. We can conclude that they never find out what has happened to Zack in the original Final Fantasy VII. Very sad :-(

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